Viktoria Chiara Wieser, BSc

Scientific project staff  (Student worker)
3. floor, room 316
t: +43 1 4277-540 61

 Title of the Master's Thesis

Evolution of domatia in Pyxidantheae (Melastomataceae) and their inhabitants

Research interests

  • Plant-parasitic nematodes
  • Animal-plant interactions
  • Herbivory
  • Pollination biology
  • Entomology

 Curriculum Vitae

Current position

Education and scientific career

  • 2022– MSc Botany, University of Vienna
  • 2022–2023 Tutor "Diversity and Organisation of Plants, Algae and Fungi“, University of Vienna
  • 2022–2023 Staff in Plant-Parasitic Nematode Lab, AGES (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Security)
  • 2016–2022 BSc Biology, Specialisation Botany, University of Vienna (Thesis:“Indole alkaloids and their impact on herbivory tested on Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with focus on strictosamide and vincamine“)

 Selected publications

  • Songoen, W., Brunmair, J., Traxler, F., Wieser, V.C., Phanchai, W., Pluempanupat, W., Brecker, L., Schinnerl, J., 2022. Yellow Twig (Nauclea orientalis) from Thailand: Strictosamide as the Key Alkaloid of This Plant Species. Molecules 27(16): 5176.