Flower Power: Can in-situ pollen link fossil plants to floral visitors?

 Project publications

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 23


Wuttke M, Poschmann MJ, Wappler T, Bouchal JM, Geier C, Ulrich S et al. Pollen-feeding in a giant pelobatid tadpole from the late Oligocene of Enspel, Germany. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. 2024 Dec;104(4):999-1026. 104831. doi: 10.1007/s12549-024-00603-8

Geier C, Engel MS, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Grimsson F, Wedmann S et al. The earliest large carpenter bee (Xylocopa) and its adhering pollen (Araliaceae, Theaceae). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. 2024 Dec;104(4):949-962. s12549-024-00604-7. doi: 10.1007/s12549-024-00604-7

Geier C, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Uhl D, Wappler T, Wedmann S et al. Potential pollinators and paleoecological aspects of Eocene Ludwigia (Onagraceae) from Eckfeld, Germany. Palaeoworld. 2024 Aug;33(4):1079-1104. Epub 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.palwor.2023.07.003

Ulrich S, Vieira M, Coiro M, Bouchal JM, Geier C, Jacobs BF et al. Origin and Early Evolution of Hydrocharitaceae and the Ancestral Role of Stratiotes. Plants. 2024 Mar 31;13(7):1008. doi: 10.3390/plants13071008

Ulrich S, Geier C, Bouchal JM, Zetter R, Schönenberger J, Uhl D et al. Combined LM and EM investigations of pollen from compressed fossil flowers aid in their taxonomic assignment. In Bek J, Votočková Frojdová J, editors, XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book. Prag: CZECH-IN s. r. o. 2024. p. 125-126. O-236

Till A, Geier C, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Wedmann S, Cantrill D et al. Did beetles visit Pseudanthus (Picrodendraceae) flowers in the Eocene of Europe? In Bek J, Votočková Frojdová J, editors, XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book. Prag: CZECH-IN s. r. o. 2024. p. 132-133. O-248

Geier C, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Uhl D, Wedmann S, Wappler T et al. Eocene flower visitation of European Diptera and their potential pollinator role. In EGU General Assembly 2024 - Abstracts. online. 2024. egusphere-egu24-5607 doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5607

Grimsson F, Geier C, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Schönenberger J, Uhl D et al. Flowers and insects with in situ and/or adhered pollen from Eckfeld (Eocene) and Enspel (Oligocene), Germany. In Bek J, Votočková Frojdová J, editors, XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book. Prag: CZECH-IN s. r. o. 2024. p. 127. O-238

Bouchal JM, Geier C, Ulrich S, Uhl D, Wedmann S, Wappler T et al. Fossil Coleoptera with in situ and adhered pollen from the Eocene of Eckfeld, Germany. In EGU General Assembly 2024 - Abstracts. online. 2024. egusphere-egu24-5326 doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5326

Geier C, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Zetter R, Schönenberger J, Uhl D et al. Matching Messel flowers with their insect visitors via pollen. In Bek J, Votočková Frojdová J, editors, XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book. Prag: CZECH-IN s. r. o. 2024. p. 124-125. O-234

Bouchal JM, Geier C, Ulrich S, Wilde V, Lenz OK, Zetter R et al. Qualitative LM and SEM study of the Messel palynoflora: part I. Algae to Vitales. Grana. 2024;63(3):193-246. Epub 2024 Aug 30. doi: 10.1080/00173134.2024.2375209

Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Geier C, Zetter R, Wilde V, Lenz OK et al. Reinvestigating the Messel palynoflora using combined LM and SEM. In Bek J, Votočková Frojdová J, editors, XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book. Prag: CZECH-IN s. r. o. 2024. p. 125. O-235

Bouchal JM, Grimsson F, Zetter R, Denk T. The late middle Eocene palynoflora of Hareø, West Greenland: polar forests in a vanishing greenhouse world. Grana. 2024;63(2):71-159. 2339495. Epub 2024 May 21. doi: 10.1080/00173134.2024.2339495


Geier C, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Uhl D, Wappler T, Wedmann S et al. Collecting in situ/adhered pollen from fossil compressed angiosperm flowers. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2023 Mar;310:1-6. 104831. doi: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2022.104831

Geier C, Bouchal JM, Ulrich S, Wappler T, Grimsson F. Fossil Onagraceae flower and insects with in situ or adhered pollen from the Eocene of Eckfeld, Germany. In Abstract EGU23. 2023. EGU23-6116 doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6116

Bouchal JM, Geier C, Ulrich S, Wilde V, Lenz OK, Zetter R et al. Revisiting the Messel palynoflora using a combined LM and SEM approach. In Abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vol. 2023. 2023. (Abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly). doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6499

Geier C, Bouchal JM, Nel A, Ngo-Muller V, Schönenberger J, Uhl D et al. The history of European Paleogene flower-insect interactions unraveled using fossil flowers and insects and their associated pollen grains. In 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Systematics: Programme and Abstracts. 2023. p. 21-22

Geier C, Bouchal JM, Nel A, Ngo-Muller V, Oberleitner S, Uhl D et al. Tilioideae-Anthophila interactions in the Cenozoic of Europe. In Life and Planet 2023: Full Programme with Abstracts. 2023. p. 63-64


Bao T, Grimsson F, Beutel RG, Wedmann S, Seyfullah L, Bao L et al. Was the kateretid beetle Pelretes really a Cretaceous angiosperm pollinator? Nature Plants. 2022 Jan;8(1):38–40. Epub 2021 Dec 23. doi: 10.1038/s41477-021-01044-3

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 23