Climate change and vegetation-dependent prediction of allergene disposition of people suffering from hayfever through monitoring of airborne pollen as a function of the overall meteorologic situation

  • Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien Projekt Nr. H2047/2010
  • 2011-2012
  • ZIT Wien "From Science to Products 2011": "WEGE - Matrix für Wettererscheinungen und gesundheitliche Einschränkungen" in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Inst. f. ubiquitäre Meteorologie (UBIMET), Wien
  • 2012-2013
  • Project leader: Dipl.-Biol. Dr. Ralf Buchner
  • Cooperations: Stefan Eisenbach, Inst. f. ubiquitäre Meteorologie (UBIMET), Wien
    Dr. Daniela Knorr, Inst. f. ubiquitäre Meteorologie (UBIMET), Wien
    Dr. Jasmin Pielorz, Inst. f. ubiquitäre Meteorologie (UBIMET), Wien
    Dr. Luise Schratt-Ehrendorfer, Universität Wien, Dept. für Pflanzengeographie
  • Diploma students: Narin Ahmed
    Brigitte Bammer


Pollen trap


Pollen trap


climate measuring

The main goals of the project are to understand the pollen load of a certain plant species in dependency from local vegetation and wind direction, insolation, air humidity and temperature. Furthermore the importance of the analysis of biogeographical and meteorological data on small scale for allergic persons is evaluated. The effect of climate change on flowering season and diversification of vegetation is also observed.