Ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Martina Weber
Freie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Erdgeschoß, Zimmer 7
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 02
- Forensische Palynologie
- Palynologie und Ultrastrukturforschung
- Landespolizeidirektion Niederösterreich, Landeskriminalamt, AB LKA 7-Tatort
- Landeskriminalamt Wien (LPK_W_LKA_AD_AB_08_KPU, Wien)
- Anatomical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australien
- Archaeological Superintendency of Pompeii, Italien
- Institut für Paläontologie (Paläobotanik)
Curriculum Vitae
Derzeitige Anstellung
- 2021– Freie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Ausbildung und wissenschaftliche Laufbahn
- 1996–2021 Ao. Univ.-Prof. am Institut für Botanik
- 2010–2013 Stellvertretende Departmentsleiterin
- 2008–2009 Departmentsleiterin
- 1996 Habilitation (Botanik, Ultrastrukturforschung)
- 1987 Anstellung als Universitätsassistentin am Institut für Botanik
- 1981–1987 Technische Assistentin in der Abteilung für Elektronenmikroskopie und Palynologie
- 1984 Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat., Thema der Dissertation: Entwicklung und Ultrastruktur der männlichen Gameten - Spermazellen - bei einigen Angiospermen
- 1980 Sponsion zum Mag. rer. nat.
- 1974–1979 Lehramtsstudien der Biologie und der Haushalts- und Ernährungswissenschaften
Zeige Ergebnisse 21 - 40 von 69
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Pollen- and Dispersal Units. in Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 Aufl.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Pollen Class. in Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 Aufl.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Pollen Development. in Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 Aufl.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Pollen Morphology and Ultrastructure. in Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 Aufl.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Pollen Wall. in Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 Aufl.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Shape and Polarity. in Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 Aufl.)
Weber, M., & Ulrich, S. (2018). PalDat - A useful tool for identifying recent and fossil pollen. in 10th European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference: Program & Abstracts (S. 190-191). Artikel 0344
Bastl, K., Berger, U., Kmenta, M., & Weber, M. (2017). Is there an advantage to staying indoors for pollen allergy sufferers? Composition and quantitative aspects of the indoor pollen spectrum. Building and Environment, 123, 78-87.
Ulrich, S., Hesse, M., Weber, M., & Halbritter, H. (2017). Amorphophallus: New insights into pollen morphology and the chemical nature of the pollen wall. Grana: an international journal of palynology and aerobiology with world pollen and spore flora, 56(1), 1-36.
Weber, M., & Ulrich, S. (2017). PalDat 3.0-second revision of the database, including a free online publication tool. Grana, 56(4), 257-262.
Nguyen, P., & Weber, M. (2016). Can pollen match shoes to a previously visited indoor location? Grana: an international journal of palynology and aerobiology with world pollen and spore flora, 55(2), 164-172.
Weber, M., & Ulrich, S. (2016). Forensic Palynology: How Pollen in Dry Grass Can Link to a Crime Scene. in H. Kars, & L. van den Eijkel (Hrsg.), Soil in Criminal and Environmental Forensics: Proceedings of the Soil Forensics Special, 6th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference, The Hague (S. 15-23). Springer.
Nguyen, P., & Weber, M. (2015). Forensic value of pollen from ornamental indoor plants. Grana: an international journal of palynology and aerobiology with world pollen and spore flora, 54(3), 236-246.
Preusche, P., & Weber, M. (2014). Monitoring indoor pollen over two years. Grana: an international journal of palynology and aerobiology with world pollen and spore flora, 53(2), 133-146.
Ulrich, S., Hesse, M., Bröderbauer, D., Bogner, J., Weber, M., & Halbritter, H. (2013). Calla palustris (Araceae): New palynological insights with special regard to its controversial systematic position and to closely related genera. Taxon: international journal of plant taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution, 62(4), 701-712.
Friesenbichler, K., Schulze, C., Mollik, P., Weber, M., Freudmann, A., & Schönenberger, J. (2013). Diversity of hummingbirds and their floral resources in oil palm plantations and rainforest habitats in the lowlands of southern Costa Rica. in Abstract book Artikel 143
Weber, M. (2013). PalDat – die weltweit umfangreichste Pollendatenbank. Phyto-Therapie Austria: die Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie, 2(13), 8.
Weber, M. (2012). Forensic Palynology: How pollen in hey can link to a crime scene. in E. V. D. Heuvel (Hrsg.), EAFS 2012 Towards Forensic Science 2.0. Den Haag, Niederlande, 20.-24.8.2012: Abstracts EAFS.
Halbritter, H., Hesse, M., & Weber, M. (2012). The unique design of pollen tetrads in Dionaea and Drosera. Grana: an international journal of palynology and aerobiology with world pollen and spore flora, 51(2, SI), 148-157.
Zeige Ergebnisse 21 - 40 von 69
Weber, M., Halbritter, H., & Hesse, M. (1998). The spiny pollen wall in Sauromatum (Araceae) - with special reference to the endexine. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 159, 744-749.
Weber, M. (1996). The existence of a special exine coating in Geranium robertianum pollen. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 157, 195-202.
Weber, M., & Igersheim, A. (1994). Pollen buds in Ophiorrhiza (Rubiaceae) and their role in pollenkitt release. Botanica Acta, 107, 257-262.
Weber, M. (1989). Thiéry-test in combination with an uranyl acetate-lead citrate staining. Stain Technol., 64, 147-149.