o. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Anton Weber

Honorary scientist and lecturer
4. floor, room 218
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 87
m: anton.weber@univie.ac.at

© A. Weber

Interests and areas of research

  • Morphology and development of angiosperms (vegetative structures, inflorescences, flowers)
  • Floral and dispersal ecology
  • Systematics of angiosperms (specially of tropical alliances, e.g., Gesneriaceae, Melastomataceae, Zingiberaceae)
  • Tropical botany (field work mainly in Malaysia and Costa Rica)
  • Gesneriaceae-Gattungen


Current Courses


  • With scientists and scientific institutions worldwide (esp. USA, UK, D, MY)

 Curriculum Vitae

Current position

  • 2004– Honorary scientist and lecturer at the University of Vienna

Education and scientific career

  • 2004 Retirement
  • 1992–2003 Head of the Department "Morphology and Reproductive Ecology" at the Institute of Botany
  • 1990–1992 Head of the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna
  • 1986–1992 Head of the "Department of Morphology" at the Institute of Botany
  • 1983 Appointment as full professor (o. Univ.-Prof.)
  • 1977 Postdoctoral lecture qualification ("Habilitation") in "Botany with special regard of morphology and systematics of higher plants"
  • 1971–1977 University assistant at the Institute of Botany, Univ. of Vienna
  • 1971 Completion of doctoral thesis ("Morphology of the gynoecium of Gesneriaceae") and granting of the title "Dr. phil." (Doctor of philosophy, equivalent to Ph.D.)
  • 1965–1971 Studies in biology (botany, zoology) at the University of Vienna, Austria


Showing entries 141 - 157 out of 157


Huber, W., & Weber, A. (2000). Hemiepiphyten und ihre Verteilung im Bosque Esquinas (Costa Rica). In Abstracts zur 9. Österr. Botanikertagung in Illmitz/Burgenland (28.9.2000 bis 1.10.2000) (pp. 642-643). Biologiezentrum.

Lindenhofer, A., & Weber, A. (2000). Inflorescence and flower development of Pentaphragma horsfieldii (Pentaphragmataceae) and its systematic implications. In Abstracts zur 9. Österr. Botanikertagung in Illmitz/Burgenland (28.9.2000 bis 1.10.2000) (pp. 672-673). Biologiezentrum.

Schembera, E., & Weber, A. (2000). Leguminosen des Bosque Esquinas und Corcovado Nationalparks (Costa Rica): Ökologie und Bedeutung ausgewählter Arten. In Abstracts zur 9. Österr. Botanikertagung in Illmitz/Burgenland (28.9.2000 bis 1.10.2000) (pp. 693-694). Biologiezentrum.

Kastinger, C., & Weber, A. (2000). Pollination of Boraginaceae by bee flies (Bombylius spp., Bombyliidae, Diptera). In P. Benedek (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Int. Pollination Symp. Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary: pollination : integrator of crops and native plant systems [Mosonmagyarovar, 10-14 July 2000 ] (pp. 88-88). Unknown publisher.

Müllner, A., & Weber, A. (2000). Sind Euglenen Pflanzen oder Tiere? - Mit molekularen Daten auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit. In Abstracts zur 9. Österr. Botanikertagung in Illmitz/Burgenland (28.9.2000 bis 1.10.2000) (pp. 683-683). Biologiezentrum.

Weissenhofer, A., & Weber, A. (2000). Terrestrial litter trappers: diversity, growth patterns and phytogeography. In Abstracts zur 9. Österr. Botanikertagung in Illmitz/Burgenland (28.9.2000 bis 1.10.2000) (pp. 728-729). Biologiezentrum.

Baumgartner, T., & Weber, A. (2000). The Palms of the Bosque Esquinas and the Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica. In Abstracts zur 9. Österr. Botanikertagung in Illmitz/Burgenland (28.9.2000 bis 1.10.2000) (pp. 601). Unknown publisher.

Kastinger, C., & Weber, A. (2000). Wollschweber (Bombylius spp., Diptera) als Blütenbestäuber in Mitteleuropa. In Abstracts zur 9. Österr. Botanikertagung in Illmitz/Burgenland (28.9.2000 bis 1.10.2000) (pp. 650-651). Biologiezentrum.

Showing entries 141 - 157 out of 157