Ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Martina Weber
Associate Researcher
Ground floor, room 7
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 02
Research interests
- Forensic Palynology
- Palynology and Ulltrastructure Research
- Landespolizeidirektion Niederösterreich, Landeskriminalamt, AB LKA 7-Tatort
- Landeskriminalamt Wien (LPK_W_LKA_AD_AB_08_KPU, Wien)
- Anatomical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australien
- Archaeological Superintendency of Pompeii, Italien
- Institut für Paläontologie (Paläobotanik)
Curriculum Vitae
Current Position
- 2021– Associate Researcher
Education and scientific career
- 1996–2021 Associate Professor at the Institute of Botany
- 2010–2013 Vice-head at the Department of Palynology and Structural Botany
- 2008–2009 Head at the Department of Palynology and Structural Botany
- 1996 Habilitation (Botany/Ultrastructure Research)
- 1987 University Assistant at the Institute of Botany
- 1981–1987 Technical Assistant at the Dept. of Electron Microscopy and Palynology
- 1984 PhD in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) Title of Thesis: Development and Ultrastrucure of the male gametes - sperm cells - in some Angiosperms
- 1980 Master of Science (Mag. rer. nat.)
- 1974–1979 Study of Biology and Earth Science (for teaching), Food Science (for teaching)
Secondary School Teacher Accreditition
Purgina, C., Grimsson, F., Weber, M., & Ulrich, S. (2024). Pollen dispersal units of selected Orchidoideae and their morphological, ultrastructural, and chemical features. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 331, Article 105211.
Koelzer, K., Ribarits, A., Weyermair, K., Bouchal, J. M., Mayr, J., & Weber, M. (2024). Trees Are a Major Foraging Resource for Honeybees in the City. Plants, 13(21), Article 3094.
Purgina, C., Ulrich, S., Weber, M., & Grimsson, F. (2024). Morphological and Ultrastructural Features of Selected Epidendroideae Pollen Dispersal Units and New Insights into Their Chemical Nature. Plants, 13(8), Article 1114.
Koelzer, K., Ribarits, A., & Weber, M. (2024). Comparing the acetolysed and hydrated methods for the pollen analysis of honey. Grana, 63(3), 259-274.
Weber, M. (2024). On the trail of a pollen artwork – A long-term study from the MoMA in New York. In J. Bek, & J. Votočková Frojdová (Eds.), XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book (pp. 44-45). Article O-079 CZECH-IN s. r. o..
Kölzer, K., Ribarits, A., Mayr, J., Weyermair, K., Bouchal, J. M., & Weber, M. (2024). Pollen diversity in honey from a Central European metropolis. In J. Bek, & J. Votočková Frojdová (Eds.), XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book (pp. 43-44). Article O-077 CZECH-IN s. r. o..
Koelzer, K., Weber, M., & Ulrich, S. (2023). Integration of the pollen database PONET into PalDat with new features for light microscopy. Grana, 62(4), 221-227.
Hrusevar, D., Bakrac, K., Miko, S., Ilijanic, N., Hasan, O., Mamic, M., Puljak, T., Vucic, A., Malovec, K. H., Weber, M., & Mitic, B. (2020). Dvije tisuće godina okolišnih promjena na području središnje Hrvatske – vegetacija, požari i hidrologija utjecani klimatskim prilikama i ljudskim pritiskom. Prilozi instituta za arheologiju u zagrebu, 37, 117-164.
Ferguson, D. K., Grímsson, F., & Weber, M. (2020). Reinhard Zetter, an appreciation. Grana, 59(1), 1-6.
Weber, M., Ulrich, S., Ciarallo, A., Henneberg, M., & Henneberg, R. J. (2020). Pollen analysis of volcanic ash in Pompeian human skeletal remains. Grana, 59(1), 107-113.
Bastl, K., Bastl, M., Berger, U., & Weber, M. (2019). Air and surface soil samples – two different pairs of shoes? Comparing the pollen spectrum on different days of the pollen season. Grana, 58(5), 371-382.
Gaisbauer, I., Galik, A., Heiss, A. G., Popovtschak, M., Thanheiser, U., Weber, M., & Wiesinger, S. (2019). Schwarze Schichten in Wien. In S. Felgenhauer-Schmiedt (Ed.), Von Vindobona zu Wienna: Archäologisch-historische Untersuchungen zu den Anfängen Wiens (pp. 220–250). Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologie.
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Aperture. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2. ed., pp. 207–294). Springer.
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Glossary of Palynological Terms. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). How to Describe and Illustrate Pollen Grains. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grimsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Illustrated Pollen Terminology, Second Edition. (2 ed.) Springer International Publishing.
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Methods in Palynology. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Misinterpretations in Palynology. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Ornamentation. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)
Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Palynology: History and Systematic Aspects. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)
Weber, M., Halbritter, H., & Hesse, M. (1998). The spiny pollen wall in Sauromatum (Araceae) - with special reference to the endexine. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 159, 744-749.
Weber, M. (1996). The existence of a special exine coating in Geranium robertianum pollen. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 157, 195-202.
Weber, M., & Igersheim, A. (1994). Pollen buds in Ophiorrhiza (Rubiaceae) and their role in pollenkitt release. Botanica Acta, 107, 257-262.
Weber, M. (1989). Thiéry-test in combination with an uranyl acetate-lead citrate staining. Stain Technol., 64, 147-149.