Ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Martina Weber
Associate Researcher
Ground floor, room 7
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 02
Research interests
- Forensic Palynology
- Palynology and Ulltrastructure Research
- Landespolizeidirektion Niederösterreich, Landeskriminalamt, AB LKA 7-Tatort
- Landeskriminalamt Wien (LPK_W_LKA_AD_AB_08_KPU, Wien)
- Anatomical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australien
- Archaeological Superintendency of Pompeii, Italien
- Institut für Paläontologie (Paläobotanik)
Curriculum Vitae
Current Position
- 2021– Associate Researcher
Education and scientific career
- 1996–2021 Associate Professor at the Institute of Botany
- 2010–2013 Vice-head at the Department of Palynology and Structural Botany
- 2008–2009 Head at the Department of Palynology and Structural Botany
- 1996 Habilitation (Botany/Ultrastructure Research)
- 1987 University Assistant at the Institute of Botany
- 1981–1987 Technical Assistant at the Dept. of Electron Microscopy and Palynology
- 1984 PhD in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) Title of Thesis: Development and Ultrastrucure of the male gametes - sperm cells - in some Angiosperms
- 1980 Master of Science (Mag. rer. nat.)
- 1974–1979 Study of Biology and Earth Science (for teaching), Food Science (for teaching)
Secondary School Teacher Accreditition
Showing entries 61 - 66 out of 66
Hesse, M., Bogner, J., Halbritter, H., & Weber, M. (2001). Palynology of the perigoniate Aroideae: Zamioculcas, Gonatopus, and Stylochaeton (Araceae). Grana: an international journal of palynology and aerobiology with world pollen and spore flora, 40, 26-34.
Hesse, M., Weber, M., & Halbritter, H. (2000). A comparative study of the polyplicate pollen types in Arales, Laurales, Zingiberales and Gnetales. In M. M. Harley, C. Morton, & S. Blackmore (Eds.), Pollen and spores: Morphology and Biology (pp. 227-239). The Royal Botanic Gardens.
Buchner, R. (Author), & Weber, M. (Author). (2000). PalDat - a palynological database: Descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Web publication
Weber, M., & Buchner, R. (1999). PalDat - a palynological database. In XVI International Botanical Congress. Abstracts: St. Louis, USA, August 1 - 7, 1999 Unknown publisher.
Hesse, M., Weber, M., & Halbritter, H. (1999). Pollen walls of Araceae, with special reference to their fossilization potential. Grana: an international journal of palynology and aerobiology with world pollen and spore flora, 38, 203-209.
Weber, M., Halbritter, H., & Hesse, M. (1999). The basic pollen wall types in Araceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 160, 415-423.
Showing entries 61 - 66 out of 66
Weber, M., Halbritter, H., & Hesse, M. (1998). The spiny pollen wall in Sauromatum (Araceae) - with special reference to the endexine. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 159, 744-749.
Weber, M. (1996). The existence of a special exine coating in Geranium robertianum pollen. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 157, 195-202.
Weber, M., & Igersheim, A. (1994). Pollen buds in Ophiorrhiza (Rubiaceae) and their role in pollenkitt release. Botanica Acta, 107, 257-262.
Weber, M. (1989). Thiéry-test in combination with an uranyl acetate-lead citrate staining. Stain Technol., 64, 147-149.