ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Reinhard Zetter

Associated Researcher

Research interests

  • Palynology
  • Paleopalynology
  • Botany
  • Paleobotany


Current Courses


Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 126



Ulrich, S., Vieira, M., Coiro, M., Bouchal, J. M., Geier, C., Jacobs, B. F., Currano, E. D., Lenz, O. K., Wilde, V., Zetter, R., & Grimsson, F. (2024). Origin and Early Evolution of Hydrocharitaceae and the Ancestral Role of Stratiotes. Plants, 13(7), Article 1008.

Ulrich, S., Geier, C., Bouchal, J. M., Zetter, R., Schönenberger, J., Uhl, D., & Grimsson, F. (2024). Combined LM and EM investigations of pollen from compressed fossil flowers aid in their taxonomic assignment. In J. Bek, & J. Votočková Frojdová (Eds.), XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book (pp. 125-126). Article O-236 CZECH-IN s. r. o..

Grimsson, F., Geier, C., Bouchal, J. M., Ulrich, S., Schönenberger, J., Uhl, D., Wedmann, S., Zetter, R., & Wappler, T. (2024). Flowers and insects with in situ and/or adhered pollen from Eckfeld (Eocene) and Enspel (Oligocene), Germany. In J. Bek, & J. Votočková Frojdová (Eds.), XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book (pp. 127). Article O-238 CZECH-IN s. r. o..

Geier, C., Bouchal, J. M., Ulrich, S., Zetter, R., Schönenberger, J., Uhl, D., Wedmann, S., Wappler, T., & Grimsson, F. (2024). Matching Messel flowers with their insect visitors via pollen. In J. Bek, & J. Votočková Frojdová (Eds.), XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book (pp. 124-125). Article O-234 CZECH-IN s. r. o..

Zetter, R., Geier, C., Bouchal, J. M., Ulrich, S., Hayes, P., Collinson , M., Ahmad, S., & Grimsson, F. (2024). Palynoflora of the Insect Limestone, late Eocene, UK. In J. Bek, & J. Votočková Frojdová (Eds.), XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book (pp. 126). Article O-237 CZECH-IN s. r. o..

Bouchal, J. M., Ulrich, S., Geier, C., Zetter, R., Wilde, V., Lenz, O. K., & Grimsson, F. (2024). Reinvestigating the Messel palynoflora using combined LM and SEM. In J. Bek, & J. Votočková Frojdová (Eds.), XV International Palynological Congress - XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference: Abstract Book (pp. 125). Article O-235 CZECH-IN s. r. o..


Bouchal, J. M., Geier, C., Ulrich, S., Wilde, V., Lenz, O. K., Zetter, R., & Grimsson, F. (2023). Revisiting the Messel palynoflora using a combined LM and SEM approach. In Abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Vol. 2023)



Wedmann, S., Hörnschemeyer, T., Engel, M. S., Zetter, R., & Grimsson, F. (2021). The last meal of an Eocene pollen-feeding fly. Current Biology, 31(9), 2020-2026. Article E4.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 126