Daniela Hlavka, BEd

m: daniela.hlavka@univie.ac.at

Title of the Master's Thesis

Diversity of pollination mechanisms in Faboideae (Fabaceae)

Research interests

  • Floral morphology
  • Pollination biology
  • Faboideae

 Curriculum Vitae

Current position

  • 2021– Employee in the "Grüne Schule" of the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna

Education and scientific career

  • 2021– Master's degree in teaching biology and environmental studies (University of Vienna) and music education (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
  • 2018–2023 Work as a tutor for "Diversität und Organisation der Pflanzen, Algen und Pilzen", "Kenntnis heimischer Pflanzen", "Interdisziplinäre Ökologische Übungen" and "Lebensräume und Vegetation naturnaher Landschaften"
  • 2016–2021 Bachelor's degree in teaching biology and environmental studies (University of Vienna) and music education (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
    Title of the Bachelor thesis: "Further development of functional flower models of Fabaceae-Faboideae"