Pollinator shifts and floral Evolution in the Merianieae (Melastomataceae)
- FWF-Project P 30669-B29
- 10/2017–9/2021
- Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürg Schönenberger
- Employees: Agnes Dellinger, MSc PhD
Lea Pöllabauer
Katharina Kagerl, BSc MSc
Lic. Valverde-Espinoza José Miguel, BSc - Cooperations: Ass. Prof. Darin Penneys (University of North Carolina, USA)
Ass. Prof. Ovidiu Paun (Universität Wien)
The tremendous diversity of angiosperm flowers has most likely evolved primarily in connection with their manifold pollinators. A particularly interesting topic located at the interface of pollination ecology and floral evolution is the occurrence of so-called pollinator shifts, i.e., the shift from one functional group of pollinators to another (e.g., from bees to birds). This project focuses on a group of Central- and South American plants (the tribe Merianieae) belonging to the melastome family (Melastomataceae). The Merianieae include bee-, bat-, hummingbird- as well as passerine pollinated species. Using high resolution x-ray computed tomography combined with geometric morphometrics, we aim at analyzing in detail the differences in floral traits associated with different functional groups of pollinators. In addition, using a population genetic approach, we will assess gene flow and pollination efficiency in the different pollination systems.
Media contributions
- scilog-Article Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (german)
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