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Dellinger, A. S., Pérez-Barrales, R., Michelangeli, F. A., Penneys, D. S., Fernández-Fernández, D. M.
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Low bee visitation rates explain pollinator shifts to vertebrates in tropical mountains.
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Chartier, M., von Balthazar-Schönenberger, A. M. L., Sontag, S., Löfstrand, S., Palme, T., Jabbour, F., Sauquet, H.
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Global patterns and a latitudinal gradient of flower disparity: perspectives from the angiosperm order Ericales.
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Schönenberger, J., von Balthazar-Schönenberger, A. M. L., Lopez Martinez, A., Albert, B., Prieu, C., Magallon, S., & Sauquet, H. (2020).
Phylogenetic analysis of fossil flowers using an angiosperm-wide data set: proof-of-concept and challenges ahead.
American Journal of Botany: the journal for all plant biologists,
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Xiao, N., Bock, P., Antreich, S. J., Staedler, Y. M.
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From the Soft to the Hard: Changes in Microchemistry During Cell Wall Maturation of Walnut Shells.
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Dellinger, A. S., Artuso, S., Pamperl, S., Michelangeli, F. A., Penneys, D. S., Fernández-Fernández, D. M., Alvear, M., Almeda, F., Armbruster, W. S., Städler, Y.
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Modularity increases rate of floral evolution and adaptive success for functionally specialized pollination systems.
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Dellinger, A., Pöllabauer, L., Loreti, M., Czurda, J.
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Testing functional hypotheses on poricidal anther dehiscence and heteranthery in buzz-pollinated flowers.
Acta ZooBot Austria ,
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Sapir, Y., Brunet, J., Byers, D. L., Imbert, E.
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Floral Evolution: Breeding Systems, Pollinators, and Beyond.
International Journal of Plant Sciences,
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Morais, E. B.
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Orthologous nuclear markers and new transcriptomes that broadly cover the phylogenetic diversity of Acanthaceae.
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Dellinger, A. S., Scheer, L. M., Artuso, S., Fernández-Fernández, D., Sornoza, F., Penneys, D. S., Tenhaken, R., Dötterl, S.
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Bimodal Pollination Systems in Andean Melastomataceae Involving Birds, Bats, and Rodents.
The American Naturalist: a bi-monthly journal devoted to the advancement and correlation of the biological sciences,
194(1), 104-116.
Vasconcelos, T. N. C.
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Floral uniformity through evolutionary time in a species-rich tree lineage.
New Phytologist,
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Dellinger, A. S., Chartier, M., Fernández-Fernández, D., Penneys, D. S., Alvear, M., Almeda, F., Michelangeli, F. A., Staedler, Y., Armbruster, W. S.
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Beyond buzz-pollination – departures from an adaptive plateau lead to new pollination syndromes.
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Kellenberger, R. T., Byers, K. J. R. P., De Brito Francisco, R. M., Staedler, Y. M., LaFountain, A. M.
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Emergence of a floral colour polymorphism by pollinator-mediated overdominance.
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Etl, F., Brandauer, S. S., Brandauer, P., Prader, S., Neier, V., Dötterl, S.
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Flower visitors of Calathea lutea (Marantaceae): The role of the hummingbird Threnetes ruckeri.
Acta ZooBot Austria ,
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Damerval, C., Citerne, H., Conde e Silva, N., Deveaux, Y., Delannoy, E., Joets, J., Simonnet, F., Staedler, Y.
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Unraveling the Developmental and Genetic Mechanisms Underpinning Floral Architecture in Proteaceae.
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Roguz, K., Bajguz, A., Golebiewska, A., Chmur, M., Hill, L., Kalinowski, P.
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Functional Diversity of Nectary Structure and Nectar Composition in the Genus Fritillaria (Liliaceae).
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Rose, J. P., Kleist, T. J., Löfstrand, S. D., Drew, B. T.
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Phylogeny, historical biogeography, and diversification of angiosperm order Ericales suggest ancient Neotropical and East Asian connections.
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Jeiter, J., Staedler, Y. M.
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Mayer, V., Nepel, M., Blatrix, R., Oberhauser, F. B.
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Cyran, N., Palumbo, A., Klepal, W., Vidal, E. A. G., Staedler, Y.
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The short life of the Hoyle organ of Sepia officinalis: formation, differentiation and degradation by programmed cell death.
Hydrobiologia: the international journal on limnology and marine sciences,
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Chomicki, G., Staedler, Y. M., Bidel, L. P. R., Jay-Allemand, C.
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Deciphering the complex architecture of an herb using micro-computed X-ray tomography, with an illustrated discussion on architectural diversity of herbs.
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society,
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Staedler, Y. M., Kreisberger, T., Manafzadeh, S.
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Novel computed tomography-based tools reliably quantify plant reproductive investment.
Journal of Experimental Botany,
69(3), 525-535.
Sauquet, H.
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The ancestral flower of angiosperms and its early diversification.
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