Anke Bellaire
Technical assistant (halftime)
Associate Researcher
Ground floor, room 1
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 00
Curriculum Vitae
Current position
- 2021– Technical assistant (halftime)
- 2014– Associate Researcher
Education and scientific career
- 2010–2013 Technical assistant at the Department (halftime)
- 2003–2008 Botanical Garden Potsdam, guides tours and green classroom
- 2006–2008 Exploratorium Potsdam, interactive natural science museum
- 2000–2002 School Teaching and 2nd States Examination
- 1993–2000 Study of Biology at Humboldt University of Berlin. Scientific States Examination on Ionic concentrations within Phragmites australis (Prof. Dr. Rudolf Ehwald)
- 1992–1993 Landscape gardener at the department for nature conservation and green space, Berlin
- 1989–1992 Apprenticeship for landscape gardening, Berlin
Showing entries 1 - 11 out of 11
Gegenbauer, C., Bellaire, A., Schintlmeister, A., Schmid, M. C., Kubicek, M., Voglmayr, H., Zotz, G., Richter, A., & Mayer, V. (2023). Exo- and endophytic fungi enable rapid transfer of nutrients from ant waste to orchid tissue. New Phytologist, 238(5), 2210-2223.
Liu, S-H., Kazemi, S., Karrer, G., Bellaire, A., Weckwerth, W., Damkjaer, J., Hoffmann, O., & Epstein, M. M. (2022). Influence of the environment on ragweed pollen and their sensitizing capacity in a mouse model of allergic lung inflammation. Frontiers in allergy, 3, [854038].
Schindler, F., Fragner, L., Herpell, J. B., Berger, A., Brenner, M., Tischler, S., Bellaire, A., Schoenenberger, J., Li, W., Sun, X., Schinnerl, J., Brecker, L., & Weckwerth, W. (2021). Dissecting metabolism of leaf nodules in Ardisia crenata and Psychotria punctata. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 8, [683671].
Weckwerth, W., Ghatak, A., Bellaire, A., Chaturvedi, P., & Varshney, R. K. (2020). PANOMICS meets germplasm. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 18(7), 1507-1525.
Pazhamala, L. T., Chaturvedi, P., Bajaj, P., Srikanth, S., Ghatak, A., Chitikineni, A., Bellaire, A., Hingane, A., Kumar, C. V. S., Saxena, K. B., Weckwerth, W., Saxena, R. K., & Varshney, R. K. (2020). Multiomics approach unravels fertility transition in a pigeonpea line for a two‐line hybrid system. The Plant Genome, 13(2), [e20028].
Herpell, J. B., Schindler, F., Bejtović, M., Fragner, L., Diallo, B., Bellaire, A., Kublik, S., Foesel, B. U., Gschwendtner, S., Kerou, M., Schloter, M., & Weckwerth, W. (2020). The Potato Yam Phyllosphere Ectosymbiont Paraburkholderia sp. Msb3 Is a Potent Growth Promotor in Tomato. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11(11), 581. [581].
Götz, A., Nikzad-Langerodi, R., Städler, Y., Bellaire, A., & Saukel, J. (2020). Apparent penetration depth in attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy of Allium cepa L. epidermis and cuticle. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 224, [117460].
Wang, L., Nägele, T., Doerfler, H., Fragner, L., Chaturvedi, P., Nukarinen, E., Bellaire, A., Huber, W., Weiszmann, J., Engelmeier, D., Ramsak, Z., Gruden, K., & Weckwerth, W. (2016). System level analysis of cacao seed ripening reveals a sequential interplay of primary and secondary metabolism leading to polyphenol accumulation and preparation of stress resistance. The Plant Journal, 87(3), 318-332.
Liu, S-H., Debiasi, M., Anea, C. B., Karrer, G., Chaturvedi, P., Bellaire, A., Weckwerth, W., & Epstein, M. M. (2016). The environment alters the immune response to ragweed pollen. Allergy: European journal of allergy and immunology, 71, 111-111.
Bellaire, A., Ischebeck, T., Städler, Y., Weinhaeuser, I., Mair, A., Parameswaran, S., Ito, T., Schönenberger, J., & Weckwerth, W. (2014). Metabolism and development - integration of micro computed tomography data and metabolite profiling reveals metabolic reprogramming from floral initiation to silique development. New Phytologist, 202(1), 322-335.
Bellaire, A., Ischebeck, T., Weingartner, I., Städler, Y., Schönenberger, J., & Weckwerth, W. (2012). The developmental trajectory of Arabidopsis flowers. In International Conference on Arabidopsis Research. Wien, 3. bis 7. Juli 2012. Abstract book Unknown publisher.
Showing entries 1 - 11 out of 11