Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Marion Chartier

Senior Scientist
Project leader FWF-Project
4. floor, room 418
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 87
m: marion.chartier@univie.ac.at

© M. Chartier

 Curriculum Vitae

Current position

  • 2022/11– Senior Scientist (half-time)

Ausbildung und wissenschaftliche Laufbahn

  • 2018/06–2023/06 Projectleader FWF-Project P 31101-B29
  • 2017/11–2018/05 Postdoc University assistant (half-time)
  • 2016–2017 Associate Researcher
  • 2013–2016 Scientific project collaborator FWF-Project P 25077-B16
  • 2012 Engineer in the French Agricultural Center for International Development (Cirad), Saint-Pierre, Reunion Island, France
  • 2008–2011 PhD with Dr. Marc Gibernau, Laboratory of Evolution and Biological Diversity (EDB), Toulouse, France, and Joint Research Unit Ecology of Guiana Forests (Ecofog), Kourou, French Guiana
  • 2008 Msc Degree in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France
  • 2008 Msc Degree in Engineering, Institut National d'Horticulture et de Paysage (graduate college of horticulture and landscaping), Agrocampus Ouest, Centre d'Angers, France


Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 21





Dellinger, A. S., Chartier, M., Fernández-Fernández, D., Penneys, D. S., Alvear, M., Almeda, F., Michelangeli, F. A., Staedler, Y., Armbruster, W. S., & Schönenberger, J. (2019). Beyond buzz-pollination – departures from an adaptive plateau lead to new pollination syndromes. New Phytologist, 221(2), 1136-1149. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.15468

Jiménez, P. D., Hentrich, H., Aguilar-Rodríguez , P. A., Krömer, T., Chartier, M., MacSwiney G. , M. C., & Gibernau, M. (2019). A Review on the Pollination of Aroids with Bisexual Flowers. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 104(1), 83-104. https://doi.org/10.3417/2018219



Sauquet, H., Von Balthazar, M., Magallón, S., Doyle, J. A., Endress, P. K., Bailes, E. J., Barroso de Morais, E., Bull-Hereñu, K., Carrive, L., Chartier, M., Chomicki, G., Coiro, M., Cornette, R., El Ottra, J. H. L., Epicoco, C., Foster, C. S. P., Jabbour, F., Haevermans, A., Haevermans, T., ... Schönenberger, J. (2017). The ancestral flower of angiosperms and its early diversification. Nature Communications, 8, Article 16047. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms16047



Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 21