Ass.-Prof. Agnes Dellinger, BSc MSc PhD
Tenure Track Professor
3. floor, room 315
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 60
© Erich Kucs
Media contributions
- scilog-Article Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (german):
Wie Tropenpflanzen zu ihren Bestäubern finden – 18. October 2023 - Online-Article mediaportal University of Vienna (german):
ERC Starting Grant für Agnes Dellinger – 5. September 2023 - Online-Article mediaportal University of Vienna (german):
"How flowers adapt to their pollinators" – 5. December 2019
Research interests
- Buzz-pollination and pollinator shifts
- Flower evolution and flower diversity
- Diversification and macroevolutionary modelling
- Plant-animal-environment interactions and population differentiation
My research is centered on exploring how biotic interaction processes such as plant-pollinator interactions change across variable environmental contexts (i.e., altitudinal gradients) and affect plant macro- and microevolution. Within this framework, I am particularly interested in understanding how flowers evolve and function, and when (i.e., under which abiotic and biotic environmental contexts?) and how (i.e., which traits?) they diversify. I am mostly working on the large (>5,800 spp.), pantropical plant family Melastomataceae, and spend much time conducting fieldwork with colleagues in the Latin American tropics. To answer my questions, I use a combination of experimental field and labwork, observations, phylogenomics, comparative morphological and phylogenetic analyses and statistical modelling.
After my postdoc at the University of Colorado Boulder working with Stacey Smith, I have recently returned to the University of Vienna to start my own lab. Check out my lab's website if you want to know more about our work!
- Mount buzz (ERC-Grant)
- Flower biomechanics and the buzz-pollination niche (FWF-Project P 36766-B)
- Modelling abiotic and biotic drivers of a plant radiation (Firnberg-Programm Project T 1186-B)
Curriculum Vitae
Current position
- 2023/3– Tenure Track Professor
Education and scientific career
- 2021/6–2023/2 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder, USA, FWF-Project T 1186-B
- 2020 Gertrud Pleskot Award
- 2019/9–2021/6 University assistant (post doc) FWF-Project P 30669-B29
- 2019 PhD Theses "Pollinator Shifts and Floral Evolution in Merianieae (Melastomataceae)"
- 2017/10–2019/8 University assistant (prae doc) FWF-Project P 30669-B29
- 2015–2017/09 University assistant (prae doc), PhD-student
- 2014 Research associate at the Department for Botany and Biodiversity research (CVL, head: Stefan Dullinger)
- 2010– Master programme in Community and Landscape Ecology (University of Vienna, Austria); 2010/2011 Erasmus exchange, University of Lund, Sweden
- 2007–2010 Bachelor programme in Ecology (University of Vienna, Austria)
- 1999–2007 Secondary School, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Dellinger, A. (2013). Floral Structure and Pollination Biology of Axinaea (Melastomataceae). Master thesis, Universität Wien, Wien. PDF available at:
Dellinger, A., & Berger, A. (2009). Vergesellschaftung, Habitatspezifität und pflanzensoziologische Bewertung der Vorkommen von Trifolium saxatile im Schalftal, Ötztaler Alpen, Tirol. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges., 146, 125-138. (Bachelorarbeit)