Ass.-Prof. Agnes Dellinger, BSc MSc PhD

Tenure Track Professor
3. floor, room 315
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 60

© Erich Kucs

Media contributions

Research interests

  • Buzz-pollination and pollinator shifts
  • Flower evolution and flower diversity
  • Diversification and macroevolutionary modelling
  • Plant-animal-environment interactions and population differentiation

My research is centered on exploring how biotic interaction processes such as plant-pollinator interactions change across variable environmental contexts (i.e., altitudinal gradients) and affect plant macro- and microevolution. Within this framework, I am particularly interested in understanding how flowers evolve and function, and when (i.e., under which abiotic and biotic environmental contexts?) and how (i.e., which traits?) they diversify. I am mostly working on the large (>5,800 spp.), pantropical plant family Melastomataceae, and spend much time conducting fieldwork with colleagues in the Latin American tropics. To answer my questions, I use a combination of experimental field and labwork, observations, phylogenomics, comparative morphological and phylogenetic analyses and statistical modelling.

After my postdoc at the University of Colorado Boulder working with Stacey Smith, I have recently returned to the University of Vienna to start my own lab. Check out my lab's website if you want to know more about our work!





Current Courses

 Curriculum Vitae

Current position

  • 2023/3– Tenure Track Professor

Education and scientific career

  • 2021/6–2023/2 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder, USA, FWF-Project T 1186-B
  • 2020 Gertrud Pleskot Award
  • 2019/9–2021/6 University assistant (post doc) FWF-Project P 30669-B29
  • 2019 PhD Theses "Pollinator Shifts and Floral Evolution in Merianieae (Melastomataceae)"
  • 2017/10–2019/8 University assistant (prae doc) FWF-Project P 30669-B29
  • 2015–2017/09 University assistant (prae doc), PhD-student
  • 2014 Research associate at the Department for Botany and Biodiversity research (CVL, head: Stefan Dullinger)
  • 2010– Master programme in Community and Landscape Ecology (University of Vienna, Austria); 2010/2011 Erasmus exchange, University of Lund, Sweden
  • 2007–2010 Bachelor programme in Ecology (University of Vienna, Austria)
  • 1999–2007 Secondary School, Klosterneuburg, Austria


Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 55


Barreto, E., Boehm, M. M. A., Ogutcen, E., Abrahamczyk, S., Kessler, M., Bascompte, J., Dellinger, A. S., Bello, C., Dehling, D. M., Duchenne, F., Kaehler, M., Lagomarsino, L. P., Lohmann, L. G., Maglianesi, M. A., Morlon, H., Muchhala, N., Ornelas, J. F., Perret, M., Salinas, N. R., ... Graham, C. H. (2024). Macroevolution of the plant–hummingbird pollination system. Biological Reviews, 99(5), 1831-1847.

Reginato, M., Ordónez-Parra, C. A., Messeder, J. V. S., Brito, V. L. G., Dellinger, A., Kriebel, R., Marra, C., Melo, L., Cornelissen, T., Fuzessy, L., Sperotto, P., Calderón-Hernández, M., Guerra, T. J., Kopper, C., Mancipe-Murillo, C., Pizo, M. A., Posada-Herrera, J. M., Hasui, É., Silva, W. R., & Silveira, F. A. O. (2024). MelastomaTRAITs 1.0: A database of functional traits in Melastomataceae, a large pantropical angiosperm family. Ecology, 105(6), Article e4308.

Dellinger, A., Meier, L., Smith, S. D., & Sinott-Armstrong, M. (2024). Are flower and fruit colors associated with environment? Exploring global ecogeogeographic patterns in flower and fruit colors. In XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Oral presentations (pp. 24). Article S.2.4 FASE 20 EDICIONES, Madrid, Spain.

Lazarus, B., Kerber, A., & Dellinger, A. (2024). Flowers on an adaptive plateau: which floral traits mediate specialization inbuzz-pollinated Melastomataceae? In XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Oral presentations (pp. 46). Article S.10.1 FASE 20 EDICIONES, Madrid, Spain.

Kopper, C., Schönenberger, J., & Dellinger, A. (2024). Mountain Colonization Triggered Evolutionary Pollinator Shifts Away From Bee-Pollination in Melastomataceae. In The 38th Annual meeting of the Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecology. Abstracts (pp. 30). Article T38

Dagallier, L.-P., Almeda, F., Bacci, L., Dellinger, A., Fernández-Fernández, D., Fernandez Hilario, R., Goldenberg, R., Mendoza-Cifuentes, H., Murillo-Serna, J. S., Ulloa Ulloa, C., Majure, L. C., & Michelangeli, F. A. (2024). Phylogenomics of the Merianieae (Melastomataceae) bring new perspectives for its systematics, biogeography and macroevolution. In XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Oral presentations (pp. 57). Article S.13.4 FASE 20 EDICIONES, Madrid, Spain.

Lazarus, B., Kerber, A., Arvelos, C. A., Michelangeli, F. A., & Dellinger, A. (2024). Pollen release dynamics in morphologically distinct buzz-pollinated Melastomataceae flowers. In XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Oral presentations (pp. 702). Article S.229.1 FASE 20 EDICIONES, Madrid, Spain.

Kopper, C., Schönenberger, J., & Dellinger, A. (2024). Pollination syndromes and pollinator shifts can be explained by climatic and elevational gradients. In XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Oral presentations (pp. 56). FASE 20 EDICIONES, Madrid, Spain.

Kerber, A., Lazarus, B., & Dellinger, A. (2024). Sundry sonication: bee diversity across three buzz-pollinated Melastomataceae communities. In XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Posters (pp. 707). Article P.1388 FASE 20 EDICIONES, Madrid, Spain.


Opedal, Ø. H., Pérez-Barrales, R., Brito, V. L. G., Muchhala, N., Capó, M., & Dellinger, A. (2023). Pollen as the link between floral phenotype and fitness. American journal of botany, 110(6), Article e16200.


Michelangeli, F. A., Dellinger, A., Goldenberg, R., Almeda, F., Mendoza-Cifuentes, H., Fernández-Fernández, D. M., Ulloa Ulloa, C., & Penneys, D. S. (2022). Phylogenetics and taxonomy of the Tribe Merianieae. In R. Goldenberg, F. A. Michelangeli, & F. Almeda (Eds.), Systematics, Evolution and Ecology of Melastomataceae (pp. 255-273). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.

Dellinger, A. S., Kopper, C., Kagerl, K., & Schönenberger, J. (2022). Pollination in Melastomataceae: A Family-Wide Update on the Little We Know and the Much That Remains to Be Discovered. In R. Goldenberg, F. A. Michelangeli, & F. Almeda (Eds.), Systematics, Evolution, and Ecology of Melastomataceae (pp. 585-607). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.


Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 55

Dellinger, A. (2013). Floral Structure and Pollination Biology of Axinaea (Melastomataceae). Master thesis,  Universität Wien, Wien. PDF available at:

Dellinger, A., & Berger, A. (2009). Vergesellschaftung, Habitatspezifität und pflanzensoziologische Bewertung der Vorkommen von Trifolium saxatile im Schalftal, Ötztaler Alpen, Tirol. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges., 146, 125-138. (Bachelorarbeit)