Mag. Dr. Silvia Ulrich

Technical assistant (half-time) and Lecturer
Ground floor, room 11
t: +43 (0)1 4277-540 07

© S. Ulrich

Research interests

  • Forensic palynology
  • Ultrastructure research and palynology
  • Evolution of trapping inflorescences in the aroid family


Current Courses


  • Bundesgärten_Wien
  • Botanischer Garten München
  • Kew Gardens, England
  • P. Boyce, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

 Curriculum Vitae

Derzeitige Anstellung

  • 2020/10– Technical assistant (half-time) and Lecturer

Ausbildung und wissenschaftliche Laufbahn

  • 2020/10–2021/8 Scientific Collaborator (half-time) and Lecturer
  • 2019–2020 Scientific Collaborator and Lecturer
  • 2016–2019 Associate Researcher and Lecturer
  • 2010–2016 PhD at the Department of Structural and Functional Botany, University Vienna
  • 2009–2012 Scientific project collaborator FWF-Project P 20666-B03
  • 2006–Technical Assistant (half day) at the Department of Ultrastructure Research and Palynology
  • 2006–2008 Editing pictures and data input for PalDat (palynological database)
  • 2004–2007 Tutor at the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna (Department of Palynology and Structural Botany)
  • 2003–2006 Thesis Research at the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna (Department of Palynology and Structural Botany)
  • 1995–2006 Study of Biology at University of Vienna
  • 1994 Study of History of Art for one semester and study of History for a semester at University of Vienna. Study of Pharmacy for three semesters at University of Vienna
  • 1993/94 Study of Philosophy and Anglistics for a year at University of Vienna


Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 60


Geier, C., Bouchal, J. M., Nel, A., Ngo-Muller, V., Schönenberger, J., Uhl, D., Ulrich, S., Wappler, T., Wedmann, S., & Grimsson, F. (2023). The history of European Paleogene flower-insect interactions unraveled using fossil flowers and insects and their associated pollen grains. In 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Systematics: Programme and Abstracts (pp. 21-22)

Geier, C., Bouchal, J. M., Nel, A., Ngo-Muller, V., Oberleitner, S., Uhl, D., Ulrich, S., Wappler, T., Wedmann, S., Zimmermann, D., & Grimsson, F. (2023). Tilioideae-Anthophila interactions in the Cenozoic of Europe. In Life and Planet 2023: Full Programme with Abstracts (pp. 63-64)


Wuttke, M., Poschmann, M. J., Bouchal, J. M., Geier, C., Ulrich, S., Grimsson, F., & Wappler, T. (2022). Pollen-feeding in a late Oligocene giant pelobatid tadpole from Lake Enspel (Westerwald Mountains, Germany). In Datz-Symposium & 30th International Workshop on Plant Taphonony: Program, Abstracts, Information (pp. 31).




Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Aperture. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2. ed., pp. 207–294). Springer.

Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Glossary of Palynological Terms. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)

Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). How to Describe and Illustrate Pollen Grains. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)

Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grimsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Illustrated Pollen Terminology, Second Edition. (2 ed.) Springer International Publishing.

Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Methods in Palynology. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)

Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Misinterpretations in Palynology. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)

Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Ornamentation. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)

Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R., Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Svojtka, M., & Frosch-Radivo, A. (2018). Palynology: History and Systematic Aspects. In Illustrated Pollen Terminology (2 ed.)

Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 60